5.7.2023.2 - long strange trips

Today I had the day off. When you are an adult without staff and work 6 days a week, you spend your days off working, lest your home fall i to disrepair and slovenliness. That sentence was too long.

I found it disappointing that mid-day, when I was poised to spend a couple hours painting, (for artistic purposes), my body wanted me to nap. So I napped.

If this isn’t boring, I do t know what… My cat is purring loudly and pacing around my bed. His name is Jasper. While cat sitting g him his owner overdosed on heroin. All of a sudden I had an obnoxious cat named Jasper. He has no teeth. My last cat was missing an eye. I have two sugar gliders and one of them is also missing an eye. I seem to have a thing for handicapped pets. I wonder if a therapist would find that to be I retesting. 🤔

🤔 - that is definitely my favorite emoji. I even reference it I conversation and letters composed on paper. I wonder what a therapist would make of that. 🤔

Where was I? Right, my cat purring in bed. Every night before bed it has become custom for me to brush this cat vigorously for at least 5 minutes. If bed time is late he comes to find me wherever I am I the house and begins demanding I come to bed and brush him. It makes me feel a little kept. Christine told me that dogs have human owners and cats think they own their humans. There seems to be truth to that. Christine is my dear friend and we own a business together. We flip houses and I branded us “Flip Kids”. The name seemed cute. It raises eyebrows sometimes.

I clearly do not have much to say. Apologies if you feel like I have wasted your time. I’ve committed to making an entry here every day. Tomorrow will be extra clever. 🤔