* Before we begin a special message: It is clear that I do not have the discipline to make a daily post in a web log. I apologize on behalf of myself to my faithful reader. Don’t give up on me.
I think, a lot. Too much. An amazing amount of my waking time is spent painting, either for work or for art. It’s been like that for a relevant amount of my adult years. A lot of painting is sitting and staring and, well, thinking. One tries to focus on the substrate paint is being applied to, but one’s mind can wander. This isn’t to say I am especially smart or that I am a proponent of thinking a lot. It’s a relevant fact. Some of the more intelligent people I know do remarkable things and clearly think less. Some people act like idiots and people are all like, “That guy just doesn’t think!” Those people are often thinking too much. The problem, is that they are having shitty thoughts. They should probably think less. I should maybe think less. It has gotten me into trouble in the past and it’s clear that the content of my thoughts can, well, devolve. I have found that not being drunk all the time allows for more wholesome, productive thoughts. Having bad thoughts. Hm. How often do you evaluate the content, tone, tenor, and overall quality of your own thoughts? Like, you. How often? I’m not thrilled with this thought here and I’m beginning to think I may have just wasted 10 minutes writing this. You see? This is why I should reevaluate my decision to keep a daily web log. I’ll see you tomorrow friend.