5.20.2023.1 - nap’s edge

I was texting with a friend and I told her that my status was wandering around “nap’s edge” and she thought it was clever. It’s where I am though. It’s a grey Saturday. I prepped a utility box I have been commissioned to paint this morning, and I’ve spent the day doing fill work in some paintings. Fill work is applying paint to larger areas of a piece. It’s obnoxious. In many types of painting, experienced artists will have assistants to do the perform the more mindless bits of work. Myself, I have not managed to find an assistant yet. It’s boring work. Anyways, doing fill work on a rainy day is sleepy work.

It’s several days later, (5.28.2023). I am in bed and I would like to go to sleep but I have a difficult time ceasing all thought sometimes.

I have these lights, they’re called “faerie lights”. They are made in China using LED Technology - lots of blinking and strobing and countless settings. I have found this one setting by hitting some unknown combination of poorly labeled buttons on a tiny remote. You see, I do a lot of spacing out. Staring, deeply into the distance for sustained periods of time. Often times my gaze will rest in the lights. This mystery setting has absolutely no discernible pattern. It will stay fixed on one color for minutes and then suddenly jump to a random strobing pattern of several colors. When I’m outside at night staring at my house while spacing out, (something I do far too often to admit), it looks like my house is alive. The lights, it’s digital pulse or strange LED representation of thought. Pretty wild stuff.

Good night house.