I watch too much TV. Rather, it is entirely possible that I find myself in a room with a screen streaming broadcast content far more often than what would be considered healthy. 80% of the time I am doing something else simultaneously, usually painting. A lot of my work involves incredible attention to detail. I wear lenses with strong magnification and a head lamp. I focus, but “the TV” is on. This allows my mind to wander in a unique way. For that I am blessed. Some very important streams of thought have flowed inside of that space. Most of the thoughts are like clouds though - ethereal, passing, made of vapor and of little importance.
Right now I’m in bed. I’m blogging in bed and now I should sleep. I’d like to think that blogs are of more importance than clouds and forgettable passing thoughts. This Modern World. TikTok makes me want to die. A room without a screen broadcasting unnerves me. I think I broke my brain.
goodnight brain. sleep sweet. 😴