I’ve decided to not become overly-concerned about anything - not one single thing. In taking nothing very seriously, I will prevent all sorts of vacillations that probably negatively affect my physical and mental self. If a topic or situation seems to be occurring with greater frequency, I will note what may be a trend that demands extra attention, still tending towards apathy though.
My tendency now is to read into things, remain hyper-aware of what seems like everything, and assuming there are any number of sub-texts and hidden meanings windimy around, well, everything. It can be exhausting. It can tax those closest to me, and at times it can prevent me from determining what is actually important. My friend Christine says I’m very sensitive and probably on some sort of spectrum. We spend a lot of time together running our business, so her opinion is probably valid. The motivation to address general behavioral issues has presented itself. Why not?
For instance, I have a lot more to say about this topic, but maybe I don’t even need to fini