An optical illusion animation by intothecontinuum which plays on what you see depending on the angle of your monitor:
The second GIF is supposed to simulate what the first GIF may look like if viewed with your monitor angled downwards. It is the same as the first except the brightness was increased using Photoshop.
Mathematica code:
R[n_] := (SeedRandom[n]; RandomReal[])
G[A_, s_, c_, T_, x_] := A*T*Exp[-(x - c)^2/s]
100 - n +
Sum[G[.05, 6, 100*R[n],
Sum[G[1, .01, k - R[2 n], 1, m/100 + t],
{k, -3, 3, 1}],
{n, 1, 100, 1}],
{x, -10, 110}],
PlotStyle -> Directive[Black], PlotRange -> {{-10, 110}, {0, 100.5}},
Filling -> Axis, FillingStyle -> White, Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> Full,
ImageSize -> {500, 700}],
{n, 0, 100, 1}]],
{t, 0, .95, .5}, AnimationRunning->False]